Страна Мастеров – сайт о прикладном творчестве для детей и взрослых: поделки из различных материалов своими руками, мастер-классы, конкурсы.

Origami Umbrella


Поделки по книгам сайта Оригами Origami Umbrella Бумага

В избранных: 13
В избранных: 13
В избранных: 13


Summer umbrella.

Summer umbrella. (фото 1)

Unfortunately not easy to open...

Unfortunately not easy to open... (фото 2)

This umbrella might be usefull for dad.

This umbrella might be usefull for dad. (фото 3)

My lovely students made their origami umbrellas in no time.

My lovely students made their origami umbrellas in no time. (фото 4)

Here is a simple to make little origami umbrella. I got the idea from this website:


The little girl gives her comments in Japanese. Well, I don't speak Japanese but the demo is very easy to follow.

Hope you'll find it useful, my Russian friends :)




Beautiful umbrella! I"ll try to do  it with my daugter супер!

Гайдаенко Елена

Замечательный зонтик! бравоСпасибо!благодарю


Thank you for your nice comments. Just a hint: using wrapping paper (for present boxes) will make your umbrellas bright and right for the occasion. E.g. paper with Happy Birthday! writing, balloons, cakes, etc. will look nice on a birthday umbrella. Or you could decorate paper first using mandalla patterns: http://allforchildren.ru/paint/index_mandala.php



Very nice!!!


very nice umberlla hahahahahaahahahaha I do this on my lesson with my Teacher ..omg Zuzia and Magda ;D